19 March, 2011

What's Causing Your Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Shoulder Pain?

Pain in your back or neck and shoulder is about as common as sun in San Diego--odds are around 90 percent, to be exact. It can come from damage to soft tissues such as muscles, ligaments, or tendons; bones in the back and neck; and the disks that support and protect the vertebrae in the spine. The first step in treating your pain correctly and effectively is to figure out what's causing the aching, throbbing, or stabbing sensations.

The easy part is pointing to where it hurts. It's a bit trickier terrain from there, but thinking about how your pain feels, when it hurts worst, and what activities trigger painful flare-ups can help you zero in on the cause of your pain. Keeping a pain diary can help. Read on to understand the causes of back, neck, and shoulder pain, from the more common causes to the more obscure.
What's Causing Your Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Shoulder Pain? - Prevention.com


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